Mama tea is an herbal tea that is highly effective for achieving pregnancy. The traditional use of the tea has been to try and get pregnant or to induce labor, but it also works well with nursing moms who need new milk in their breasts while they are still lactating.

People do not typically drink fertile mama tea because of soy products when they are trying to get pregnant, so it is best to drink it on a different day of the week from your usual drinking days.

Mama tea is drunk on a daily basis, starting after ovulation. For women who are trying for a baby, it is taken each day for up to two weeks after ovulation as an aid to achieving pregnancy.

It is thought best to begin drinking the tea once your period has stopped and you start having fertile cervical mucus.

Also, It works by toning the uterus, inducing progesterone and estrogen, which in turn helps increase blood flow to the uterus and prepare it for implantation.

It also helps decrease inflammation and blood clotting. If a woman is already pregnant, drinking fertile mama tea will help her to maintain a healthy

The traditional way to drink fertile mama tea is to use one bag per cup of water and three cups per day. The bags are placed in boiling water on the stove and left covered for 15 minutes.

They may also be used cold or as a hot or cold compress. The tea is safe to drink while pregnant or breastfeeding.


If you do not become pregnant within a few months, move on to everything else that is said by the doctors. Be sure to take care of yourself as well and ensure that you are getting enough rest and eating right so your body can recover and produce a healthy baby.