Is A Glass Of Sangria Good For You?

Sangria is an excellent drink for summer, but how healthy is it? If you’ve ever wondered about the health benefits of sangria, then this article will answer all your questions.

We’ll cover everything from the ingredients in sangria to why drinking too much of this popular beverage could cause problems in the long run.

So grab a glass, and let’s dive into everything there is to know about the benefits and risks of drinking sangria.

As with any alcoholic drink, you need to drink in moderation

As with any alcoholic drink, you need to drink in moderation. However, as a health-conscious person, you might think this is a dealbreaker regarding sangria. But we’re here to tell you that—in moderation—sangria can be good for you.

Several studies have shown that drinking red wine (or its Spanish counterpart) reduces your risk of heart disease and diabetes by preventing blood clots from forming in the arteries and improving the health of your cholesterol levels.

The antioxidants found in berries also reduce inflammation and boost brain power by clearing out toxins from our bodies.

So if you’re looking for an excuse not only for an evening dedicated to drinking delicious fruity drinks but also to getting some extra nutrients into your diet at the same time? Sangria is the way forward.

There are some actual health benefits to sangria

Sangria is an excellent option if you’re looking for an alcoholic drink that won’t leave you feeling sluggish or dehydrated.

Sangria has many of the same benefits as wine: it contains antioxidants, vitamins, and polyphenols (a type of antioxidant). It also has significantly fewer calories than most other alcoholic beverages.

Just one serving of sangria has about 100 calories compared to the average glass of red wine, which contains around 125 calories. Furthermore, Sangria is typically made with low-sugar fruits like apples and grapes. As such, it doesn’t cause spikes in blood sugar levels like other forms of alcohol can do—and that’s good news for your waistline.

The ingredients that make up sangria can help you get your daily intake of specific vitamins

  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help reduce your heart disease and cancer risk.
  • Folate is a B vitamin that helps with red blood cell production and may reduce your risk of congenital disabilities when taken during pregnancy.
  • Vitamin B6 helps the body digest protein, maintains nerve health, and supports brain function. It also plays a role in growth and development.
  • Vitamin B12 supports healthy red blood cells, maintains energy levels, and has many other functions throughout the body.


We hope we’ve convinced you that a glass of sangria is healthy for you! It’s been shown to have some real benefits, from antioxidants to heart health.

If you want to enjoy this drink in moderation and get the most out of it, use quality ingredients and don’t overdo it on the sugar content. Also, remember that any alcoholic beverage should be enjoyed in moderation.

There are plenty of other ways for us all to get our daily vitamin C or antioxidants without reaching for a glass of red wine or gin and tonic.