If you’ve undergone gastric sleeve surgery, you might wonder if eating ramen noodles is okay after the surgery. The answer is no, and it’s not okay to eat them! Even though you might be physically able to consume food after the surgery, your digestive system hasn’t caught up yet, and different food items can affect your body differently.

After a day or two of being physically able to eat solid food again, take things slow and introduce one new item at a time. This includes ramen noodles.

It is important to eat after six weeks because when you’re going through a gastric sleeve or weight loss surgery, you are losing a lot of weight, and calorie intake is important. Most patients lose quite a bit of fluid, which means they can become dehydrated easily and get sick easily.

All of these can be dangerous to your health. You want to make sure that you’re getting the calories you need to speed up your healing process, but not so many calories that it hinders it.

So, you want to ensure that you’re getting enough calories so your body can work more efficiently and heal itself. Make sure to keep your weight stable as well.

The most important thing is to make sure that what you put in your body is good for you. You want to make sure that it’s healthy for you and gives you the nutrients, calories, and vitamins in what you’re eating so your body can recover from a big surgery.


Gastric sleeve surgery is very effective in terms of weight loss, but it may be necessary to watch what you eat after the surgery.