Yes, lamb Weston fries are gluten-free and safe to eat. Lamb Weston fries are pre-cooked, seasoned, and deep-fried. They can be enjoyed without any fear of causing harm to the person.

Many people enjoy lamb Weston fries as a quick lunch or dinner option during their daily diet. When you are out of time and need to eat but don’t want to prepare a full meal, lamb Weston fries are an excellent option for everyone.

In addition to being gluten-free, lamb Weston fries are also free from trans fat, cholesterol, calories, and sodium. There is no trans-fat per serving and no cholesterol or sodium content. This makes lamb Weston fries an added advantage for those who want to stay healthy.

Lamb Weston Fries consists of quality wheat flour, fresh lamb cutlets, spices, veggies, and Jus Seasoning. These ingredients give the fries their delicious taste. The fries are lightly battered in batter before they are dipped in egg wash and deep fried until they brown up and make crunchy bites.

The quality of the lamb ensures that no one has to be away from lamb Weston fries for any longer than needed. The lamb is of high quality and is ready to be added to every dish that needs a kick of flavor.

Most people would agree that lamb is one of the tastiest meats in the world; therefore, adding even more to other dishes makes it even more flavorful. Rather than replacing the lamb with another meat or fowl, they are putting it into a just as delicious product.

The new lamb Weston fries line consists of four different products. A chicken sandwich consists of two crispy chicken strips, lettuce, and creamy mayonnaise on a whole wheat bun.

They also have a beef version comprised of grilled steak strips, onions, and spicy mayo on a whole grain bun with french fries for side dishes.


Lamb Weston Fries offers you a family recipe that people have enjoyed for many generations. Lamb Weston Fries is complete with proteins, vitamins, and other nutrients, which makes it easy for your body to digest. It is an excellent option for those who need a quick meal or snack.