If you’ve ever wondered if Vital Farms butter is 100% grass-fed, the answer is yes! At Vital Farms, cows eat a diet that includes 100% fresh green grass.

And, unlike other cows that might supplement their diet with grains from a feedlot, vital farm cows eat nothing but 100% grass. This ensures the most nutrient-rich butter you can find because it is full of vitamins and minerals that are only found in fresh grass.

Grass-fed butter is made from the milk of cows who have eaten a natural green, growing grass diet. Cows are ideally suited to eating grass, which provides them with minerals and vitamins necessary for healthy milk production.

This high-quality dairy product tastes better than regular butter and has been linked to lower heart disease and cancer rates in humans who consume it regularly.

How is grass-fed butter different from other butter?

Grass-fed butter is unprocessed and contains no additives. It is derived from the milk of cows who are allowed to graze freely on pasture.

The cows are not confined to a field and do not get to drink from a metal water trough but instead eat grass, which provides them with minerals and vitamins necessary for healthy milk production.

Grass Fed Butter vs. Regular Butter

Grass-fed butter is made from the milk of cows who are allowed to graze freely on pasture. The cows are not confined to a field and do not get to drink from a metal water trough but instead eat grass, which provides them with minerals and vitamins necessary for healthy milk production.

On the other hand, cows that are fed corn and other grains from a feedlot have their diet supplemented by grains. Frequently, cows are also given antibiotics to ward off disease in high-stress, confined living conditions. This diet makes for an unhealthy animal and less nutritious butter.


If you are looking for a delicious buttery spread that contains all of the vitamins and minerals found in fresh, green grass, look no further than Vital Farms Grass Fed Butter. It is made from milk that has come from cows that have eaten nothing but fresh, green grass.