Does Cabbage make you sleepy is a question that has been brought up before. Cabbage contains several substances, including indole-3-carbinol, which can help to promote restful sleep.

Cabbage And Sleep

Although there is no clear evidence for cabbages’ correlation with increased sleep or a decrease in daytime functioning, their effectiveness cannot be ignored.

Cabbage is also known for its ability to reduce cholesterol and inflammatory compounds in the body. One study looked at how the addition of omega-3 fatty acids affected cabbage reduction of cholesterol levels.

Results of The Study

The results showed that adding omega-three fatty acids to a diet composed of lower amounts of cholesterol did not improve blood cholesterol levels while boosting blood levels of triglycerides. This may lead to an increased risk for heart disease and diabetes.

Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage is a very good source of vitamins K and C, which are needed for proper blood clotting. It is also good folate, pantothenic acid, thiamine, and calcium source.

In some areas like Southeast Asia, cabbage is grown on bee hives due to the high sugar content in the leaves. Some of the harvested honey from this process is used as a sweetener for other food products, such as sticky rice.

However, in other areas like South America and Africa, honey can be found in beehives, but it cannot be extracted from the plants due to the nature of their honey bees, who do not like to eat cabbage itself and thus do not cause much harm.

In addition to its fleshy roots, leafy greens are also available for sale. The most commonly sold type in most supermarkets is the green leafed variety of cabbage. It is used as a vegetable and eaten raw or cooked.


“Does Cabbage makes you sleepy” is an interesting and not very well-known fact? We have a lot to learn about what cabbage effectively does to us.

Some of the studies mentioned above directly proved the effectiveness of cabbage in reducing cholesterol and inflammation-related issues in our bodies. There is no clear evidence of the correlation between cabbage sleepiness and its cholesterol-lowering properties.