Mrs. grass’s soup is a famous canned soup that was first sold in the early 20th century. It was one of the first brands to be manufactured in large quantities and sold widely, making it an iconic product within its category. It was also one of the first products to be sold in cans.

The brand was owned by the Swanson Company for many years and is still around today, although it no longer makes Mrs. grass’s soup. History, The Swanson Company created Mrs. grass’s soup in 1901, called “Swanson’s Vegetable Soup.”

Mrs. grass’s soup is still around!

Mrs. Grass’s Homestyle soups are still around, but they have changed quite a bit over the years. Some McCormick herbs, spices, and flavoring that you may recognize today got their start in this product line, including Celery Seed and Dill weed.

The company refocused on chicken noodle soup when it acquired the brand, as this was the most popular flavor. Consumers also made more homemade chicken noodle soups than any other type. They even changed their name to Mrs. Grass’s Homestyle Soups to reflect this change.

It has the same name, but the recipes have changed significantly over the years.

This soup was created in the late 1900s and has been around ever since. The original recipe was for a chicken noodle soup. The formula has changed over time; today’s Mrs. Grass’s Chicken Noodle Soup is made with barley instead of wheat flour and contains no noodles!

If you want to make your version of this delicious dish today (and who doesn’t?), here are some tips:

Some McCormick herbs, spices, and flavoring that you may recognize today got their start in this product line, including Celery Seed and Dill weed.

Some McCormick herbs, spices, and flavoring that you may recognize today got their start in this product line, including Celery Seed and Dill weed.  The company refocused on chicken noodle soup when it acquired the brand, as this was the most popular flavor. Consumers also made more homemade chicken noodle soups than any other type.


Mrs. Grass’s soup does still exist. It has been around for the past four generations and is nutrient-rich. It is still being made from scratch and in batches that can’t be emptied by Sunday night because kids are getting on a supermarket run to replace the supply of this beautiful soup.