Dots are one of the most popular brands of pretzels in America. They’re sold everywhere, from convenience stores to major supermarkets, and they’re a favorite of kids and adults alike.

But with their high sodium content and added sugars, Dots aren’t as healthy as some other snacks. So if you’re looking for something better for your diet, here are three alternatives:

Are Dots healthy

Dot pretzels are not a healthy snack and are one of the unhealthiest things you can eat. They have high amounts of sodium, which can put you at risk for high blood pressure.

They also contain added sugars and fats that are empty calories that contribute to weight gain and obesity. Added sugars contribute to tooth decay and cavities, too!

If you want a healthier alternative to Dots pretzels, try making your own homemade baked pretzel bites with whole wheat flour or even gluten-free flour.

These will be much more nutritious than store-bought ones because you control what goes into them—you know exactly what’s in there: just flour or other flour, salt & water.

You can also add natural food coloring, such as beet juice if desired, so they look festive like holiday-themed treats without any artificial ingredients lurking inside, or perhaps go all out with sprinkles or melted chocolate drizzled over the top before baking them up. Hence, they become sweet treats perfect for Halloween parties next month.


Dots pretzels are not an overall healthy snack. These snacks contain high sodium, increasing blood pressure and heart disease risk.

They also have added sugars, which can contribute to obesity and other health problems if consumed excessively. In addition to these concerns, Dots have low fiber content and lack protein.

This means that most people get more carbohydrates from them than they do nutrients like fiber or protein that help fill you up and keep you feeling full longer after eating your snacks.

Furthermore, the snack is relatively low in calcium compared to most other options available today – one serving provides less than 10% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI).

It has more fat than some other types of pretzels as well because it contains cheese sauce instead of just salt for flavor; however, this does make Dots healthier than many similar products out there since they’re usually just coated with butter or oil before baking instead.