Are Caramels Vegan?

Could a vegan consume caramel? Most caramels, unfortunately, are NOT vegan because they contain dairy products like butter and cream. Milk is a common ingredient in additives and artificial ingredients with obscure names. What is vegan caramel made of? Vegan butter, light brown sugar, coconut milk, agave, and salt are […]

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Are Curly Fries Vegan?

Can a vegetarian or vegan eat the curly fries at Arby’s? Yes! The curly fries from Arby’s don’t use any animal products in their preparation and aren’t fried in any kind of animal fat. However, some vegetarians and vegans may be concerned that they share cooking oil with meat and […]

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Are Pickles Vegan?

The pickling process is cruelty-free. Pickles are suitable for vegans due to the fact that all of its components—cucumber, vinegar, brine, and preservatives—are plant-based. When compared to sugar, salt’s vegan status is much less debatable. What brand of pickles are vegan? Mt. Olive’s Kosher Dill Pickles, known as Simply Pickles, […]

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Are Spaghettios Vegan?

SpaghettiOs come in a variety of flavors, such as the classic, Franks, and meatball. Since milk and meat are both animal products, it’s unfortunate that no SpaghettiOs flavor is vegan-friendly. What spaghetti hoops are vegan? Due to the addition of vitamin D, not all Heinz spaghetti hoops are suitable for […]

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Are Slushies Vegan?

Astonishingly, the ICEE company guarantees that all of their slushies are cruelty-free for vegans. They are composed of a number of synthetic and chemical ingredients, and neither they nor any of their production ingredients come from animals or animal by-products. Are ICEE slushies vegan? Veganism is supported by ICEE products. […]

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Is Apple Cider Vegan?

Cider is essentially just pressed apple juice, so the question should be easy to answer yes or no. However, the processing of cider is often what makes it unsuitable for vegans. After all, during the filtration process, many cider producers use a fining agent made from animal products. What cider […]

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Is Bleach Vegan?

Toxic chemicals leached into the water by bleach are not vegan because they cause serious harm to ecosystems. Unfortunately, the vast majority of household bleaches also require cruel animal testing. It is the chlorine in bleach that causes the most problems. Are there vegan bleach? Easily lighten your hair by […]

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Are Junior Mints Vegan?

Wikipedia states that Confectioner’s Glaze (also known as Shellac) is produced from the secretions of female lac bugs native to India and Thailand. Since insects were used to create Shellac/Glaze, Confectioner’s it is generally not considered to be vegan-friendly. Junior Mints, in both their original and mini sizes, are therefore […]

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Are Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Vegan?

Unfortunately, Cheerios don’t pass muster for vegans. They have sugar that has probably been filtered with bone char and vitamin D derived from sheep’s wool. Are all Cheerios vegan? The vast majority of Cheerios aren’t vegan, unfortunately. As the name suggests, honey is found in Honey Nut Cheerios, making them […]

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